Park Lane Academy

Year 7 Settling in Evening

Dear Parent/Carer

On Thursday 10th October 2019 at 5.00pm until 7.00pm we are holding a Year 7 ‘Settling in Evening.’ This will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet with your child’s Form Tutor, Pastoral lead and our Safeguarding/Wellbeing/Family Liaison Team.

The ‘Settling in Evening’ is of upmost importance. It is an excellent opportunity for you to find out more about your child’s schooling as well as meet the key people involved in their pastoral and educational welfare.

The evening is by appointment only, so please indicate on the slip below your intended arrival time. Each appointment lasts between five and ten minutes, however should you require longer please contact us to make a further appointment during school time or alternatively make an appointment with Mr Schofield on the evening.

Please return the reply slip to your Form Tutor by Wednesday 9th October.

Yours sincerely

Mr Schofield

Year 7 Pastoral Lead


A copy of the appointment letter / slips can be found here