Park Lane Academy

Art / Design Technology

Key Stage 3 

At Key Stage 3 each term students take part in one of these lessons. At the beginning of each new term the students rotate onto the next subject.

  • Art
  • Art, craft and design (emphasis on craft and design)
  • Food technology

Art Design Technology 

Year 7


Subject Content Overview for the Year





Each term students take part in one of these lessons. At the beginning of each new term the students rotate onto the next subject.

  •         Resistant Materials
  •         Food Technology
  •         Art

Resistant Materials

Students will produce a focused ‘design and make it’ task. This project will introduce them materials and their properties. Other topics to cover will include manufacturing techniques and evaluation techniques. The students will produce a wood/acrylic piece based upon initial letters and then go onto producing a mobile phone stand.  

All supporting theory work will go into their books

After this students will complete a range of design tasks and will be given the opportunity to choose several tasks and activities which they would like to include in their folder.

The tasks will further embed their knowledge of skills and techniques, tools and equipment used in the lessons.


Food Technology

‘Me in a kitchen':In the first half of the term students are introduced to the Food Technology kitchen. Students will begin to use some of the basic equipment and learn the skills and techniques used in the preparation and cooking of food.

There are two projects which both incorporate the importance of Health and Safety rules in the kitchen.

‘Healthy eating’: The second project follows on from the introductory unit ‘Me in a Kitchen’, and will re-enforce the health and safety requirements, plus the knowledge gained around equipment and cooking techniques, Students will be introduced to healthy eating and a balanced diet, based on the ‘5 a day’ and ‘8 tips for healthy living’ principles.



‘Elements’: students initially explore the elements of art and design: line, tone, colour, and texture, shape and pattern.
Portraiture - artist research into artist Lucy Jones, inspiring chalk pastel portrait painting.




Resistant Materials and Art 

  •        Research and Analysis      
  •        Experimenting and Variety           
  •        Developing and Refining  
  •        Final Outcome / Response


Food Technology

  •        Science and Nutrition
  •        Research      
  •        Investigation/making
  •        Analysis and evaluation


Background/Extended Learning



Visit art galleries to explore how artists use line, colour, texture and shape to create work.

Encourage your child to practice drawing techniques explored in lesson.

Elements, tone, primary, secondary and tertiary colours, line, mark-making, texture, recording observations, analysing and evaluating.

Year 8


Subject Content






Each term students take part in one of these lessons. At the beginning of each new term the students rotate onto the next subject.

  •        Resistant materials
  •        Food technology
  •        Art 


Resistant Materials

Vacuum Formed Clock - Students will build upon and further skills gained throughout Year 7 by using moulds and shaping techniques, decoration of their own designed product and achieving a commercially viable standard whilst considering a target market.

Students will also design a clock that involves new machinery and manufacturing processes including shaping timber as well as heating and forming plastic.

Students will then go onto a second design and make it project, they will produce a desk tidy made from acrylic and MDF and pine.

They will follow design constraints to produce the desk tidy and will be introduced to 2-D design software and use the laser cutter to add decoration to their product.


Food Technology

‘Where on earth does our food come from?’ which focuses on the provenance and environment. This unit re-enforces the knowledge and skills acquires in Year 7 Food Technology, in terms of use of correct equipment, preparation and cooking techniques, and Health and safety practices.

This unit will also look at the function of ingredients in the food groups of bread, cake and pastry making as well as looking about the impact of food production and transport on the environment.

The basic themes also cover staple foods, fairtrade and seasonal foods.



‘Still Life’ – Matisse painting with scissors collage task.
Scaled observational drawing including polyprinting.
Plastic oceans inspired project.

Large scale advanced brush and watercolour inspired by 2 artists.
To add challenge students will be encouraged to blend and combine different techniques to enhance colour.







Resistant materials and Art

  • Research and Analysis      
  • Experimenting and Variety           
  • Developing and Refining  
  • Final Outcome / Response

Food Technology

  • Science and Nutrition
  • Research      
  • Investigation/making         
  • Analysis and Evaluation

Background/Extended Learning




Food Technology

Create a café menu showing the skills and recipes used for bread, cakes and pastries, incorporating seasonal and fairtrade ingredients.


Resistant Materials

Encourage your child to look at products in and around the home and to think about its construction.



Visit the Media Museum in Bradford to look at the how animation and film captured movement.

Year 9

Subject Content

Each term students take part in one of these lessons. At the beginning of each new term the students rotate onto the next subject.


  • Resistant materials
  • Food technology
  • Art 


Food Technology

Building on cooking skills learned in Y7 and 8, this year look at type of food spoilage and food poisoning and bacteria.  In addition, food labelling, storage and cooking.



Tim Burton themed puppet project - meid media, annotation, analysis, design and reflection.


Barbara Hepworth - research, analysis, design ideas, soap sculptures, sourdough and clay modelling


Fantasy birds - advanced watercolour, advanced textures, design ideas, papier mache birds.


Resistant materials and Art

  • Research and Analysis
  • Experimenting and Variety
  • Developing and Refining
  • Final Outcome / Response

Food Technology

  • Science and Nutrition
  • Research      
  • Investigation/making         
  • Analysis and Evaluation

Background/Extended Learning




Resistant Materials

Encourage your child to look at products in and around the home and to think about its construction.



Visit the art galleries, in particular look at watercolour.  


ICT – Computer Science Key Stage 3
Year 8

Subject content

Overview for the year

·         App design

·         Web Design and Programming

·         Game Design

·         Programming using small basic and python

·         Using ICT for enterprise

·         E-safety



  • Computational Thinking
  • Programming Skills
  • Design and Layout

·         Algorithms

Background/Extended learning

·         Theory on Cyber Crime

Programming skills and theory – can learn about other programming languages

Year 9

Subject content

Overview for the year

·         Cyber security 

·         Programming through games design

·         Computer Systems 

·         BBC Microbits

·         Introduction to media

·         Video editing


  • Computational Thinking
  • Programming Skills
  • Hardware
  • Algorithms

Background/Extended learning

·Theory on Cyber Crime

Programming skills and theory – can learn about other programming languages.

Key Stage 4

Course Name


Creative Media

Exam Board


Pearson BTEC

Assessment Detail



Component 1: Exploring media products (30% of grade)

Component 2: Developing digital media production skills (30% of grade)

Component 3: Create a Media Product in Response to a Brief (Externally assessed, worth 40% of grade)

Web Link to  specification



Subject Content Overview

Component 1: Exploring media products

  • Investigate media products
  • Explore how media products are created to provide meaning and engage audiences

Component 2: Developing digital media production skills

  • Practical skills and techniques
  • Apply media production skills and techniques
  • Pre-production processes and practices
  • Post-production processes and practices
  • Review own progress and development of skills and practices

Component 3: Create a Media Product in Response to a Brief

  • Develop ideas in response to a brief
  • Develop planning materials in response to a brief
  • Apply media production skills and techniques to the creation of a media product


Skills Taught




  • Professional Software Skills
  • Audience, purpose
  • Narrative, genre and media production skills
  • Analysis/Research


Background/Extended Learning



Practice using cameras - different shots, editing techniques.  

Recognise media products and consider how they engage their audiences. 



Food Technology Key Stage 3


Year 7


Subject content

Overview for the year

  ‘Me in a kitchen' and ‘Healthy Eating’

In the first half of the term students are introduced to the Food Technology kitchen. Students will begin to use some of the basic equipment and learn the skills and techniques used in the preparation and cooking of food.

There are two projects which both incorporate the importance of Health and Safety rules in the kitchen.

‘Healthy eating’: The second project follows on from the introductory unit ‘Me in a Kitchen’, and will re-enforce the health and safety requirements, plus the knowledge gained around equipment and cooking techniques, Students will be introduced to healthy eating and a balanced diet, based on the ‘5 a day’ and ‘8 tips for healthy living’ principles.


·         Use of equipment

·         Preparation techniques

·         Cooking methods

·         Food groups

·         Balanced lifestyle

Background/Extended learning


Encourage your child to source healthy eating recipes and cook at home



Year 8

Subject content

Overview for the year

‘Where on earth does our food come from?’


This unit focuses on the provenance and environment. It re-enforces the knowledge and skills acquires in Year 7 Food Technology, in terms of use of correct equipment, preparation and cooking techniques, and Health and safety practices.

This unit will also look at the function of ingredients in the food groups of bread, cake and pastry making as well as looking about the impact of food production and transport on the environment. Students will gain a greater understanding of production and supply of food to inform environmental factors

The basic themes also cover staple foods, Fairtrade and seasonal foods.



·         Learning about staple foods- different countries, climates

·         Bread, cakes and pastry making (wheat – staple food of UK)

·         Fairtrade, food miles, organic & seasonal foods


Background/Extended learning

Create a café menu showing the skills and recipes used for bread, cakes and pastries, incorporating seasonal and Fairtrade ingredients.



Year 9


Subject content

Overview for the year

‘Foods from Around the World’

In this unit students will build on knowledge of ingredient function and food groups to develop and design complete dishes, taking into account good balanced nutrition and special dietary requirements.





·         Nutrition

·         Special Diets

·         Food Safety

Background/Extended learning

Research into foods from around the world


Hospitality & Catering

 Course Name

 WJEC Hospitality & Catering  level 1 & 2

Exam Board


Assessment Detail




Controlled  assessment – 60%


Written examination – 40%

Web Link to specification

Subject Content 

Nutrition and special diets

Focus on the catering industry -

Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate.

  • Describe the structure of the hospitality and catering industry
  • Be aware of and be able to describe the job roles and working conditions.
  • Explain the factors affecting the success of providers


Be able to propose a hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements:-


Produce dishes to be served on a range of different menus.


Practical lessons will use a range of ingredients and they will also look at presentation techniques and accompaniments for a range of dishes including:


  • Vegetarian, vegan dishes
  • Dairy free
  • Gluten free
  • Low fat diets
  • Healthy school meals


They will cover a variety of aspects of requirements of food safety in industry and also the role of environmental health officers in monitoring and inspecting catering outlets.


This will lead onto practical and theory based lessons on high risk foods such as: -


Eggs and dairy food, nutritional content and their different uses in recipes.
Meat and fish, nutritional content and their different uses in recipes.
Cooking methods of meats and fish.



Skills Taught



Students  will continue to use a range of cooking techniques when preparing the dishes; such as


chopping, rubbing in, weighing and measuring leading onto boiling, simmering, steaming and frying.

Background/Extended Learning


Discussion at home of anyone who may have a special dietary need . Obtain information about use of possible alternative ingredients.



 Course name

 Fine Art Sculpture


Exam board



Assessment detail

Portfolio of evidence -60%

Externally set project  – 40%

Web link to 



Subject content overview

Students will explore the work of Barbara Hepworth and generate initial ideas based on her style.


They will explore how to draw like a three dimensional sculptor.


They will then apply this to a variety of different media to produce a range of sculptures based around her style.


There will be a focus on the textural qualities of materials . students will have the opportunity to use a variety of materials such as ceramics, wood and metal as well as more simpler materials such as soap and salt dough.


Background/Extended Learning


Collecting visual images related to the starting point. Helping photograph images related to the theme.


Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.


Collect a range of natural objects and keep a sketch book of your collections.



Course name

Fine Art

Exam board


Assessment detail

Portfolio of evidence – 60%

Externally  set task -40%

Web link to 


Subject content 

Students will be exploring the formal elements of art and design using the skeletal form.


It will give students the opportunity to develop drawing, painting, sculptural and printing skills.


They will also explore Photoshop and use this software to create images for use in their exploration of different materials – this will include sculptural skills using card, tissue and paper mache.


This unit is based on a GCSE process whereby they will record ideas, develop them and produce a finalised piece of work.


Background/Extended Learning


Encourage your child to keep a sketch book and record observations



Course name



Exam board


Assessment detail

Portfolio  of evidence -60%

Externally set assignment – 40%


Web link to 


Subject content 

The elements of art and design provide a foundation on which to develop more complex imagery.


Students will explore other photographer’s use of line, tone, texture, colour, shape and pattern.


They will record their own photographs based on their analysis of these photographers.


They will learn to arrange these images and analyse them in order to develop their knowledge and understanding of the elements.


Some basic explanation of different viewpoints and lighting will be shared in preparation for further refinement in the second unit.

Background/Extended Learning


Expand your knowledge of photography by looking at other photographers that focus on the various elements of art in their work.


Select some of these images and add them to your portfolio of evidence.